Property Information User Group (PIUG)

The Property Information User Group (PIUG) works together to find new and innovative ways to share GIS and CAMA data with both internal and external customers.

Executive Officers

Past Chair: Open
Chair: Jared Baloun, Jackson County
Vice-Chair: Open
Recording Officer: Brandee Douglas, Faribault County

Committee Chairs

Membership Committee: Travis Swanberg, Waseca County
Training Committee: Brad Bolton, Morrison County


ISSG Liaison: Steven McDonald, Martin County
MnCCC Board Liaison: Jon Eckel, Chisago County

Rules & Regulations

Download the PIUG Rules & Regulations pdf  (updated February 2022)

Meeting Schedule

PIUG Executive Committee meets quarterly.  Full user group business meetings are held at the MnCCC Conference in June and periodically throughout the year as needed.


  • Membership
  • Training
  • Eagleview
  • Business Intelligence: Powering Local Government with Location (Pro-West)

Links to Forms and Files

Contract Vendor(s)

The contract vendor(s) for this user group that provide(s) maintenance, support, development, and training services.


Pro-West & Associates

North Point GIS