Law Enforcement User Group

The Law Enforcement User Group currently has 15 member counties. CIS is the Law Enforcement User Group software vendor. The Law Enforcement User Group is working with neighboring state counties sharing the same software needs. The MnCCC Law Enforcement User Group works closely with both the Department of Corrections and CriMNet in our activities and training.

Executive Officers

Past Chair: Mary Seltun, Freeborn County
Vice-Chair: Susan Bowler, Carver County
Recording Officer: Joseph Flavin, Blue Earth County


ISSG Liaison: Judy Hiller, Waseca County
MnCCC Board Liaison: Al Paulson, Clearwater County

Rules & Regulations

Download the Law Enforcement User Group Rules & Regulations Pdf (updated February 2020)

Meeting Schedule

Full user group business meetings and training are held as needed.

Links to Forms and Files

Contract Vendor(s)

The contract vendor(s) for this user group that provide(s) maintenance, support, development, and training services.