Finance & General Government (F&GG) User Group

Vision: The vision of the Finance & General Government (F&GG) User Group is to provide products and contracts to support the roles of county employees within auditor/treasurer, finance, elections, and other general government offices.

Role: The group provides direction to the MnCCC Board regarding vendor selection and contracts, along with collaborating with User Group members to identify needs for new solutions and conducting business to uphold contract requirements with cost-effective measures. 

Executive Officers

Chair (two-year term up for election in 2026): Waylon Welvaert, Freeborn County
Vice-Chair (two-year term up for election in 2025): T. Pat Paquin, Freeborn County
Recording Officer (elected annually): Martie Monsrud, Roseau County


Northern Delegate (two-year term, up for election in 2026): Kelsey Gervais, Red Lake County
At-Large I Delegate (two-year term, up for election in 2026): Peggy Schaak, Rice County
Southern Delegate (two-year term, up for election in 2025): Cindy Jensen, Mower County
At-Large II Alternate (two-year term, up for election in 2025): Lynn Boraas, Carver County


ISSG Liaison: Jon Eckel, Chisago County
MnCCC Board Liaison: Lynn Boraas, Carver County

Rules & Regulations

Download F&GG Rules and Regulations pdf (Approved 2023)

Meeting Schedule

F&GG Advisory meets the third Friday of the month every other month. Meetings are held at 10:00 am via Zoom. 

Links to Forms and Files

Contract Vendors

The contract vendors for this user group that provide maintenance, support, development, and training services.