Child & Teen Checkups User Group

Our Child & Teen Checkups User Group (C&TC) has been formed to improve documentation workflow and reporting, capitalize on advancements in technology and reduce a significant amount of manual work required to maintain data integrity and reports required by the state. This group will also determine and approve development, changes, modifications, or enhancements to the Child & Teen Checkups outreach documentation system. Please stay tuned for more information regarding this brand new user group!

Executive Officers

Chair: Coral Ripplinger, Dakota County
Vice-Chair: Open
Recording Officer: Open


In electing representatives to the User Group Executive Committee, the user group shall take into consideration agency size and geographical location of the prospective members so they are representative of the user group as a whole. Representatives will serve staggered terms as outlined in the rules and regulations, with the elections occurring at the Annual Meeting in June each year.


ISSG Liaison: TBD
MnCCC Board Liaison: Kathy Jenson, Roseau County

Rules & Regulations

Currently under review.

Meeting Schedule

Child & Teen Checkups User Group will meet regularly, though the exact meeting schedule is still under consideration. Full user group business meetings are held at the MnCCC Conference in June and periodically throughout the year as needed.


The following Standing Committees have been established:

  • Enhancement Committee shall review and/or propose user interface and functionality enhancement requests


  • Technology Committee shall review and/or propose infrastructure and integration enhancement requests
  • Standards Committee shall review policies, procedures, and practices and establish standards or best practices for the User Group
  • Training Committee shall review, coordinate, and approve all training for the User Group
  • Membership Committee shall coordinate communications with current members, work with new members, and assist with marketing to potential members

Links to Forms and Files