MnCCC User Groups

CAMAUSA User Group

The CAMAUSA User Group currently has 34 counties using the Xerox CAMAUSA software. This committee has been working together for many years.  In 2009, they became a separate user group rather than a subcommittee under the Tax User Group. The CAMAUSA User Group members use either the Xerox or Thomson Tax Systems. The MnCCC CAMAUSA User Group works closely with the Minnesota Department of Revenue on all of our projects.

Community Health Services Group (CHS)

The Community Health Services Group (CHS) currently has 35 member counties and agencies. The MnCCC CHS User Group owns and manages PH-Doc . Over the past several years, the user group has invested time and money in a major rewrite of PH-Doc . We were a recipient of the Beacon Grant through a partnership with the Mayo Clinic. The CHS group works closely with the Minnesota Department of Health on all of our projects.

Corrections User Group

The Corrections User Group is MnCCC’s largest user group working with all 87 Minnesota counties either directly or through agencies and the Department of Corrections. The Corrections User Group developed and maintains the Court Services Tracking System (CSTS) software, which is used by probation and parole officers throughout the state.

County Attorney User Group

The County Attorney User Group owns and manages the MCAPS software package, a case management system designed for county attorneys. MCAPS 4 is our newest version of MCAPS. MCAPS is currently linked with MNCIS and we will be expanding the software to link with other systems.

Finance & General Government (F&GG) User Group

The Finance & General Government (F&GG) User Group has 47 member counties. The User Group has several software packages, including: Two payroll packages, a human resources package, Capital Assets, Integrated Financial System (IFS), and Treasurer’s Financial System.

Information Services Support Group (ISSG)

MnCCC’s Information Services Support Group (ISSG) members are IT, MIS, IS managers and staff throughout the state. This group provides an amazing pool of resources! We share knowledge, assist each other on software and hardware challenges, and work together to find cooperative solutions.

JIC Committee

JIC represents the 78 counties using IFS.  JIC is an advisory committee with elected representatives from the IFS User Group. IFS is owned and managed by the 78 counties through the JIC. IFS is supported by our vendor TriMin.

Law Enforcement User Group

The Law Enforcement User Group currently has 15 member counties. CIS is the Law Enforcement User Group software vendor. The Law Enforcement User Group is working with neighboring state counties sharing the same software needs.

Property Information User Group (PIUG)

The Property Information User Group (PIUG) works together to find new and innovative ways to share GIS and CAMA data with both internal and external customers.

Aumentum Technologies Tax System User Group

The Minnesota Property Tax System User Group currently has 17 counties using the Thomson Reuters property tax system called Aumentum. There are several subcommittees committed to various projects, such as the Legislative Research Committee, the Training Committee, and the Enhancements & Reports Committee.

Avenu Tax: The Minnesota Property Tax System (PTS) User Group

The Minnesota Property Tax System (PTS) User Group currently has 28 counties using the Avenu Minnesota property tax system. There are several subcommittees committed to various projects, such as the Legislative Research Committee, the Beta Testing Committee, and the Enhancement Issues and Standards Committee (EISC).

Tax Court User Group

The MnCCC Tax Court User Group is part of the MnCCC Joint Powers cooperative allowing county assessing staff to collaborate and share tax court dealings and also allowing us to realize financial savings while addressing tax court petitions statewide.  The MnCCC Tax Court User Group also offers MNTaxLink which is a web-based court case management system that can be used by County Attorney staff, County Assessor staff, Municipality Assessor staff, and Tax Court staff to collaborate, share data, and manage Property Tax Petitions.

Human Services User Group

The Human Services User Group is one of MnCCC's newest user groups. It exists to collectively provide a shared space to innovate, explore, develop, enhance, and maintain technical systems focused on supporting human services programs. Its mission is to develop and maintain an integrated and innovative technology infrastructure that supports person-centered human service practice models and policies. It also provides innovative and interoperable systems that support safe, thriving, and self-sufficient families in healthy communities.

Child & Teen Checkups User Group (C&TC)

Our Child & Teen Checkups User Group (C&TC) is one of MnCCC's newest user groups. It has been formed to improve documentation workflow and reporting, capitalize on advancements in technology and reduce a significant amount of manual work required to maintain data integrity and reports required by the state. This group will also determine and approve development, changes, modifications, or enhancements to the Child & Teen Checkups outreach documentation system. Please stay tuned for more information regarding this brand new user group!

Tyler User Group

The Tyler User Group is currently underway! We are looking forward to getting this group off the ground, and with your help and participation, we will have another successful user group under MnCCC that works collaboratively to make sure our counties are using the best software, contracted specifically with them in mind. The group will consist of Tyler users under contract through MnCCC, which has been customized for Minnesota counties. User group duties will include implementation, standardization, and testing and training for contracted items. This will be a great opportunity for members at all stages of implementation to collaborate and troubleshoot throughout the process.