
Glossary of Terms

Our Glossary of Terms is being updated on a regular basis. If you have suggestions for terms please contact us.  

Documents and Resources

MnCCC's documents and resources are available for you to download and use at your convenience.


MnCCC is striving to provide online content in accessible formats across our digital platforms by utilizing the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 at the AA level. You may also use this Word Document copy of MnCCC's Accessibility Policy & Procedures as a template to create an accessibility policy for your agency. For questions regarding accessibility, please contact Amanda Beyer at

Contract Ratification Requirements  

MnCCC has user groups that require contract ratification and some that do not. This document has been adopted as a policy by the MnCCC Board to help explain the difference.


MnCCC Connects is sharing an updated overview of the elections process for new and existing officers to utilize. When elections happen at our Annual Conference and other all-user meetings, we want to make sure you're prepared with the right processes to make elections go over smoothly. All MnCCC User Groups hold annual elections for all positions at the annual June business meetings. Be sure your group is prepared! In addition to the Rules and Regulations adopted by your User Group, we've got a few extra tips to help you in your role as User Group Chair!

Expense Reimbursement Form

Some of our user groups allow for officers, committee chairs, members of committees, and/or liaisons to file expense reimbursements. Reimbursement policies are included in each of the user group's rules and regulations. Complete the form and send a copy to our office. 

Guidelines for Vendor Contracts

MnCCC's Guidelines for Vendor Contracts are used by our Contract Advisory Panel (CAP) to make sure the user groups have important items included in all of their contracts to protect our members.

Incident Response Plan

MnCCC has an incident response plan in place should an incident occur. An incident includes but is not limited to perceived or intended disruption of safety and security of confidential employee and/or user information; malicious behavior to obtain classified or sensitive information; and inappropriate or unauthorized entry into the MCIT building and/or the MnCCC suite. Should a breach of security occur, MnCCC must take corrective action to eliminate vulnerabilities that may have caused it. For questions regarding the incident response plan, please contact Emily Wick at

Job Postings

This page is for all job postings listed through MnCCC. Counties and agencies are welcome to send current job openings to MnCCC. To submit a job posting, please email or to receive the link to our positing form. If no closing date is available, jobs will be posted for a maximum of two months*. With your help, we will keep this site as up-to-date as possible. We are so excited to streamline the job posting process while continuing to offer you quality services!

*Date posted refers to date posted on MnCCC site, not the actual job posting date.

Liaison Report Template

This is a fillable pdf form that was created to help MnCCC Board Liaisons provide their monthly reports to MnCCC which are shared at the ISSG and Board Meetings.  Forms should be completed by the liaisons, saved, then sent to Instructions and descriptions of the fields are included in the document.

MnCCC Bylaws

The purpose of Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (“MnCCC”) is to provide jointly and cooperatively for the establishment, operation, and maintenance of data processing systems , for the use and benefit of the parties, as well as the commercialization of its proprietary software for licensed use by third parties. These Bylaws uphold the mission, vision, and purpose of MnCCC, its Board, and its User Groups.

New Officer Orientation

Congratulations! You’ve just been elected, or you’re looking for a refresher on your role with MnCCC. Now what? Check out our New Officer Orientation guide for a quick overview on expectations for officers. MnCCC is always happy to help one-on-one, too!

Open Meetings

Minnesota’s open meeting statute for all governing bodies of non-state level public bodies (and their committees1, subcommittees, boards, departments, or commissions) (Mn. Stats. § 13.01, Subds. (b)(6) and (c)) requires following certain procedures for all meetings. More information can be found by clicking "Open Meetings" above.

RSVP Registration Tips and FAQs

The RSVP Registration Tips and FAQs page has all you need to know for creating a new profile! Getting started is easy! You can also view this step-by-step guide with instructions on how to create a new RSVP profile.

Taking Minutes

Tips for new recording officers on taking minutes.


Still can't find what you are looking for or have a suggestion for resources to add? 

You may contact or (651) 401-4200 and MnCCC staff will be ready to assist.