User Group Spotlight: Community Health Services (CHS) User Group

About the User Group
The Community Health Services (CHS) user group was formed and now exists to own and manage PH-Doc , an electronic health record. The CHS User Group is made up of nearly 40 member cities, counties and agencies. The CHS User Group works closely with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) on many projects related to data collection and documentation of nursing and home visiting services.
Software and Services through CHS
PH-Doc is the primary software that is managed by the CHS User Group. MnCCC contracts with Avenu Insights & Analytics for the ongoing development and operation of PH-Doc .
CHS Committees
In addition to full User Group meetings every other month, there are several active committees supporting the ongoing work of the User Group.
- Enhancements Committee
- Finance Committee
- Quality Assurance Committee
- Training Committee
Special Announcements
PH-Doc users just received the release of version 46.5. Version upgrades typically happen twice a year and incorporate much of the work of the enhancement committee from the year leading up to each release. Enhancements are requested and funded in several ways, but ultimately, the enhancement committee, made up to representatives of member agencies, determines what upgrades to prioritize and move forward. Enhancements continue to make the product better by streamlining documentation and reporting systems.
Executive Officers
Past Chair: Megan Heuer, Beltrami County, filling in for Cynthia Borgan (Retired)
Chair: Jill Timm, Washington County
Vice-Chair: Denise Kragenbring, Kandiyohi County
Recording Officer: Deb Perfeerst, Rice County
Committee Chairs
CHS Enhancement Co-Chairs: Cathy Gagne, Ramsey County and Nicole Spitzer, Anoka County
CHS Quality Assurance Co-Chairs: Denver Harris, Ramsey County and Angel Korynta, Polk County
CHS Training Co-Chairs: Trisha Kvenvold, Freeborn County and Lea Butterfield, Rice County
CHS Finance Committee Chair: Sue Yost, Freeborn County
ISSG Liaison: Joseph Satre, Carver County
MnCCC Board Liaison: Jody Moran, Washington County
Interested in Joining?
Please contact to join the user group!