Tips for Using RSVP

Tips for using RSVP with a blue wave background and multi-colored desktop computer with the RSVP logo

Tips for Using RSVP

RSVP is the main source of all meeting-related information, including associated documents, email updates, and connection information. You'll receive meeting documents, agendas, and connection details via email. If you don't have an account on RSVP, you can create one at

Your Burning RSVP Questions, Answered!

Why do some calendar invitations contain links and others don’t?

This depends on the platform. It’s important to always check RSVP first to see the platform meetings are held on – if Teams is the platform, you might already have a calendar invitation, but if it’s anything else, we’ll rely solely on RSVP unless otherwise stated. The links don’t come through the calendar invite because we don’t want there to be any confusion if the link changes. The calendar invites from RSVP are simply meant to be placeholders.

Why do I get an undeliverable message when I accept a calendar invitation from RSVP?

We can avoid this by making sure you click “Do Not Send a Response” when accepting the calendar invite in your email. If you don’t do that, please be aware that you'll get a message saying your email was not delivered because is a no-reply email.

Does receiving a calendar invitation mean I’m registered for an event?

Not necessarily. You’ll need to make sure you’ve clicked “Yes, I will attend” on RSVP as well as sending yourself a calendar invitation.

How do I make sure I get the meeting link?

To receive the meeting links, you must RSVP "Yes" or the automatic email with info will not come in the morning. MnCCC Staff is always happy to send links out, but we really want to highlight the importance of regularly checking RSVP (especially before the registration window closes 3 days prior).

I can’t register for a special event!

When you want to register for a special event but you don’t see the actual RSVP option when you click it on the calendar, the first step is to always check user group and membership preferences. For example, if there’s a special event for Avenu Tax but you doesn’t have that checked in your preferences, you will be able to see the event on the calendar but you won't be able to select an attendance option. If you're unsure about why it’s not working after checking your preferences, be sure to contact MnCCC to investigate further.

Someone in my organization forwarded me an email so I could sign up for an event. Will that work?

Because the link in the email someone receives is linked directly to their account, you will not be able to register through the link they shared with you. If you register through the link in the email that was forwarded to you, the registration will be tied to the person who sent it. You’ll need to sign up on RSVP through your own account.

I have a user group selected in my preferences, but I still don’t see the meetings associated with the subgroups.

We have seen this issue when people select the user group on the first page of their membership profiles but haven’t updated anything on the second page. Remember: The first page is meant to filter out which emails you want to be subscribed to, but the second page is where you get to choose what you want to see. Please be sure to thoroughly read through both pages before saving the changes.

I used to get emails from RSVP and now I don’t!

If you are having issues getting any emails from RSVP, we strongly recommend checking with your IT department, as we have updated to a new server and you may need to whitelist our new IP address. MnCCC Staff is happy to work with you on this if your IT department has questions or need additional information.

I can’t get into RSVP!

The first step is to try resetting your password. If you follow the steps to reset and it still isn’t working, please contact MnCCC. There may be a chance that you requested to have your email removed at some point, which would deny access to the calendar. If that’s not the case, MnCCC will securely share your password with you to try logging in again.

I no longer want to receive emails from RSVP, or I want to change what I see.

If you want to change your email preferences or frequency, please contact MnCCC. We can walk you through the steps of updating your profile or remove your email from our database completely. Remember: Requesting the removal of your email from the database WILL deactivate your RSVP account and you’ll no longer have access.

Is there a cancelation policy for paid sessions?

Yes! MnCCC implemented a cancelation policy in December 2022 for all paid training and special events. The policy is included in these events, or you can read more about it here:

My question or issue isn't listed here. What should I do now?

Technology is usually our friend, but we can't always predict what issues will arise. If you can't figure something out, we're here to help! You can reach us by contacting our main office phone at (651) 401-4200 or our RSVP-dedicated line at (651) 401-4206. Another great way to connect with us is by emailing

