Recapping The Great Minnesota Get Back Together

Thanks for being part of the Great  Minnesota Get Back Together

Conference Highlights

The Great Minnesota Get Back Together was held last week (June 6-9, 2022), and it was the perfect event to get everyone back together after two years of virtual meetings and conferences! The four-day conference was filled with informative breakout sessions, collaboration, resource sharing, networking, and user group meetings. We kicked off conference week with the vendor show, and attendees had the chance to connect with vendors and learn about resources available to them. To add an extra level of excitement, vendors and sponsors donated fun prizes that were raffled off to some lucky attendees! The participation and support of vendors and sponsors helped make this conference possible, and we sure hope to see them again next year! We also held our Awards Banquet and recognized the work of 163 user group and committee officers that volunteer their time and are actively involved in the MnCCC membership. It is their support and dedication that helps fulfill MnCCC's mission and continued sucess. There was no better way to celebrate being back in-person than with The Great Minnesota Get Back Together conference theme and carnival! From axe throwing to cotton candy, matching ducks, gold fish toss, bingo, a cake walk, and many prize raffles, there was carnival fun for everyone!

Vendor Show Booth Winner 

This year's conference attendees had the chance to vote on the best-dressed booth in the vendor show. It was a chance to for vendors to showcase their resources and services, connect with Minnesota county staff, and embrace this year's conference theme. Attendees got a chance to play "MOOSE" - a modified version of bingo - enter their names to win raffle prizes, and submit their vote for the best dressed booth. And the winner (drumroll please...) was New Horizons!  

New Horizons winning booth

MnCCC will be donating $250 to a charity of their choice on their behalf as their winning prize. New Horizon's selected Halos of the St. Croix Valley as their charity of choice. Halos of the St. Croix Valley is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing emotional and financial support to bereaved parents and families who have lost a child. Learn more about Halos of the St. Croix Valley. 

About New Horizons

New Horizons is the premier training provider around the world, with award-winning instructors and over 3,000 courses to choose from including CompTIA, Microsoft, VMware, Cisco and many more. It is their mission to give students the modern resources and education necessary to optimize career growth and professional development. MnCCC and New Horizon's have a longstanding partnership and we are happy to help coordinate any training that your county or agency may need. Please reach out to MnCCC staff if you are interested in training. 

2022 Awards Recipients

Every year, MnCCC recognizes two outstanding members that have made distinguished contributions to MnCCC through their active involvement, enthusiasm, and leadership. These members have graciously volunteered their time to lead collaboration between Minnesota counties and agencies in finding cost-effective, efficient software and technology solutions. Please join us in congratulating Candace and Dylan!

Member of the Year - Candace Pesch, Freeborn County

Techie of the Year - Dylan Edwards, Stearns County 

Save the Date

Mark your calendar! Next year's annual conference A Sea of Possibilities will be held June 5-8, 2023.

Get Involved with MnCCC

Does your organization need training? Are you looking to start a new committee? Do you need options for software and technology services? Is there someone new to your organization that could benefit from being involved with MnCCC? We are here to help facilitate collaboration between counties, cities, and agencies, and we are here for YOU! Please reach out to MnCCC staff for any questions or to learn more about what MnCCC can offer you! 

Lisa Meredith, Executive Director
Mike Fox, Chief Financial Officer
Amanda Beyer, Communications & Events Coordinator
Emily Ladd, Marketing & Membership Specialist 

