Techie of the Year!

MnCCC Awards Techie of the Year to Dayle Moore
Congratulations, Dayle! Thank you for your dedication to the MnCCC organization. We asked Dayle's coworkers some questions to be featured for his Techie of the Year spotlight, see what they have to say!
"Dayle has been an amazing volunteer for MnCCC! He has served on the board through the officer positions twice, chair of the ISSG group, and various ISSG liaison roles. Dayle is fun to work with and has always been willing to listen to issues and provide much needed advice and support! Thank you Dayle for all you have done for MnCCC!" ~Lisa Meredith, MnCCC Executive Director
See our membership awards thank you video:
How does Dayle Moore prepare everyone for success in their role at Nicollet county?
Dayle has created a great cooperative work environment. He provides training opportunities to pursue our interests for the benefit of Nicollet County.
What does a typical day look like for Dayle at Nicollet county?
There is really no typical day. Each day has challenges to provide a robust IT infrastructure with reliability and performance.
Dayle has served in many ways in past years with the MnCCC Board and users groups. He has a wealth of knowledge and has a commonsense approach to getting things done.
Any fun facts about Dayle?
Dayle is an awesome pool player. Dayle and his partner (who shall remain nameless) were the 2017 C&N Sales Mixed Scotch Doubles Champions! He has come quite a long way from his younger temperamental days of nearly tipping the table over if he missed a crucial shot!!!!
He is also quite the prankster—as a birthday surprise, he used his techie skills to completely relocate the Sheriff’s Chief Deputy’s office overnight…. Not just to another office space in the law enforcement center, but to another office space in a completely different building. Furniture/phone/décor/computer—everything. The Chief Deputy, who has also pranked Dayle on his birthday, has conceded that he will never be able to top Dayle’s stunt!
Dayle enjoys fishing as well and has a 30” walleye to his resume. Dayle would share his bonfire with you anytime. Great choice for Technical person of the year!!