September Aumentum Updates
General Updates
September Meeting
Due to scheduling conflicts, the September Aumentum TAC meeting is canceled. The committee will meet again on Thursday, October 5.
Amplify 2023
The Amplify 2023 Conference is September 17-19 in Nashville, TN! This is a great opportunity to connect with fellow Aumentum users across the country and learn more about how Aumentum works for us.
Mark Your Calendars!
The Aumentum TAC meetings for 2024 have been scheduled and posted on RSVP. With the exception of inclement weather, our committee always meets in a hybrid format. We also regularly host after-TAC training sessions for in-person attendees. Be sure to RSVP promptly to receive meeting updates and information!
Legislative Research Committee
The Legislative Research Advisory Committee (LRAC) will oversee legislative changes at the state level and meet to discuss how the changes impact Minnesota residents and employees, along with suggesting changes in legislation when appropriate. The joint committee has representation from all MnCCC Tax and CAMA User Groups and will report to their respective groups the findings and discussion topics from each meeting. All are welcome to join!
Committee Updates
Legislative Committee
- Ticket 162284 for corrections to the penalty table on the back of the Pay 2021 through Pay 2023 tax statements was released in Patch on 8/10/2023 – the ticket passed testing and was closed 8/17/2023.
- Ticket 160423 for corrections for effective dating dates and amounts related to PTR on the back of the tax statements was released in Patch on 8/10/2023 – ticket has passed initial testing, expecting to be closed shortly.
- Pay 2024 Truth in Taxation Instructions were published by the MDOR on 8/4/2023 – instructions were reviewed by the legislative committee – no programming changes are needed as Aumentum can already handle taxing jurisdiction websites (instructions were distributed via RSVP on 8/4/2023) and individual counties will work directly with their print vendors to handle the required supplemental information outside of Aumentum.
- Initial review of Ticket 164609 by Aumentum Support/Product for changes related to the delinquent taxes interest rate indicates Aumentum is already configured to handle this – needs further review by Testing Committee and MN counties.
- Ticket 164610 was submitted on 8/4/2023 for changes needed to the Senior Citizen Deferral section on the back of the tax statements – requested a completion date of 12/1/2023.
- The Assessment section of the Property Tax Law Summary is still being reviewed by the legislative committee for change requests.
- Attached is the current Legislative Change Order Tracking Log.
Training Committee
The committee has not met. DOR Training tentatively scheduled for October 23, 2023 at MCIT building in St. Paul. Potential topics include Forfeiture Sales, deeds, Property Tax Calendar, State Assessed Property, E-services, and PRISM errors.
Action Items
- Chris Jones & Kurt Peterson continue to work on the high and critical case reviews. Reviewed in the Aumentum Technologies update below
- Continued discussion with MnDOR regarding split class EMV on valuation notices and TNT’s