Request for Proposal - MnCCC's RSVP System

a blue notepad with RSVP in white text


Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MnCCC) is seeking a qualified information technology vendor to provide managed services for MnCCC’s personalized meeting calendar and events management system. Primary goals with this RFP process are to identify a dedicated IT developer who will provide quality managed services for and maintenance of MnCCC’s RSVP system that meet MnCCC’s various needs, along with any state and federal information technology compliance and legal requirements, and who will be dedicated to ongoing quality and solution-oriented support. We anticipate the selection of our vendors by March 15, 2024.

Executive Summary

RSVP is a custom-developed, MnCCC-owned, self-subscribed calendar system. Its primary purpose is for mass-communication to over 4,000 MnCCC members and over 400 vendors. MnCCC uses RSVP to manage more than 600 events annually. As a staff of four, MnCCC regularly considers RSVP as the fifth staff member because of its capacity to handle a large volume of automated work. MnCCC Staff uses RSVP multiple times daily and requires its tools on a very regular basis. This RFP has been created to seek a vendor capable of enhancing, rebuilding, and creating various aspects of our RSVP system at the request of MnCCC Staff. We encourage all prospective vendors to visit and create a profile to gain understanding of the user interface. Potential vendors will also receive staff-led demonstrations of RSVP, including its administrative portal.

Project Timeline

Proposals are due via email and email to the addresses listed above by February 9, 2024. Vendors are encouraged to note these dates prior to submitting a proposal. MnCCC may adjust the schedule as needed.

RFP Release

December 18, 2023

Interested Parties’ Application Forms Due

January 16, 2024*

RSVP Demo for Interested Parties

January 19, 2024*

RFP Initial Questions Due (via email)

January 22, 2024*

Release of Proposal Team Answers to Initial Questions

January 26, 2024

Security Studio Evaluation Due Date

February 9, 2024

Proposal Due Date

February 9, 2024

Check Vendor References

February 16, 2024

Vendor Finalist Selection Goal

March 15, 2024

*indicates updated date from original release

Learn More 

Official Request for Proposal (RFP) - Must be reviewed before requesting the application and Confidentiality Agreement
MnCCC Bylaws
MnCCC Vendor Contract Guidelines


