MnCCC SSO Technical Web Series w/ LinkedIn
Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative is partnering with LinkedIn Learning to provide a free training session about single sign-on (SSO) for IT staff and LinkedIn Learning admin! Join us on Wednesday, October 14 from 8:30 - 9:30 am for a training and Q&A session.
Training Agenda:
- Discuss the SSO setup in LIL
- Discuss how SSO will work from a user perspective
- Walkthrough how JIT (Just In Time) provisioning works for new users
- Discuss user attributes and how they can be used to create groups in LIL
- Also how groups can be leveraged for reports, permissions, and course recommendations
- Q&A Session
Registration for this special training session is now open at this link.
If you are neither IT nor LIL admin, there is a more general resource available! A webinar for government learners about how to get the most out of the platform will take place on Wednesday, October 14 at 2:30 pm. Registration for this session can be done at this link.
We can't wait to "see" you at these trainings!