MnCCC Spotlight: Micki O'Keefe

What was your first job?
My first job was babysitting for neighborhood kids. After I turned 15, I started working at Kings Place in Miesville, MN where I washed dishes. I remember the owner gave me a menu and told me that once I could memorize all the toppings for each burger I could move to the grill. Which is exactly what I did. Thank goodness that was over 20 years ago, do you know how many different burgers they now have? Over 100
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I have been married to Rhett for 13 years now. Together we have three daughters. Their names are Ruby, Grace and Claire. The girls keep us very busy. We live on the edge of city limits in a house that my dad built a few years ago. I enjoy building projects and decorating our home in my free time.
What interests you about MnCCC?
MnCCC provides counties the opportunity to work together to get discounts on technology that counties need. It also builds a world of networking. Working for a county of this size, many times you are the only individual at your county that does your specific job. Being a part of MnCCC has allowed me to connect with other individuals who do similar jobs. We can bounce ideas or problems off one another or find other ways to work through processes. If there is something that has to do with a specific system, counties can work together with the vendor through MnCCC to get the end product that we want or need.
What is your role with Goodhue county?
The last few months have mostly been dedicated to the election while trying to fit in my normal job. When not working on election-related items you can find me working on calculating property taxes, confession of judgment contracts, delinquent tax processes, forfeited land, property tax settlements, tax increment financing or anything else thrown my way.
What is something on your bucket list?
My number one bucket list item would be to someday own a cabin on a lake. A place to go and put my chair and feet in the sand and just relax.