MnCCC Spotlight

Say hello to our new MnCCC board Chair, Martie Monsrud! Martie has served the MnCCC board for the past three years and brings a wealth of knowlege! We'd like to recognize Martie's outstanding role at MnCCC, here's a little snapshot:
What was your first job? Marvin Window & Doors, but work on the small family farm growing up.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I was born and raised in Roseau County, graduated from Warroad High School, attended EGF AVTI. I moved back to Roseau after school and was employed at Polaris Industries. I met and married my husband Bruce and his daughter Heather in 1981 and moved to Fargo, ND. I worked for Cass County, ND as a Deputy Register of Deeds for 11 years. We moved back to Roseau in 1993 to raise our two boys, Brian and Allen. I worked for Citizens State Bank and then for The Law Offices of Patrick D. Moren before returning to government employment in March 2003 as a Deputy Auditor-Property Tax. I was elected to County Auditor in 2010. I now have 4 grandchildren and live in my husband’s childhood home in Roseau, MN.
What interests you about MnCCC? Having the ability to work collectively as a group spanning many counties and many types of technology which ultimately saves our tax payers dollars.
What is your role on the MnCCC board? Chair
What is something on your bucket list you'd like to do? Visit Martha’s Vineyard.