MnCCC Spotlight: Jen Pim

MnCCC Spotlight Jen Pim

What was your first job?

Unofficially, I babysat for neighborhood kids.  My first taxable job was as a waitress at the Beef Hut food building during the Minnesota State Fair when I was 12 or 13.  My first ‘grown-up’ job was as the Assistant Winona City Attorney. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

I’m a Taurus who went to an environmental law school only to find myself in the field of criminal law.  I’ve since transitioned over to civil government law, but I still turn the lights out on people to save energy.  I have been married for 10 years and have 2 adult step-sons and 2 elementary-aged sons.  I made sure we got a girl dog when the time came so I felt less overwhelmed by boys.  

What interests you about MnCCC?

I appreciate the collaborative work that numerous departments and counties can engage in through MnCCC.  They provide a solid foundation for the User Groups to build from and creatively expand upon.  The staff are receptive to ideas and exude a positive attitude.

What is your role with Sherburne county?

I have been an Assistant Sherburne County Attorney for almost 14 years.  I began in criminal prosecution and have shifted to a hybrid criminal-civil/civil case load.  I handle cases involving property forfeiture, vulnerable adults, collections, firearm eligibility, probate, medical assistance, trusts, Health and Human Service appeals, licensing, bankruptcy, etcetera; and I provide backup for child protection, civil commitments, and child support among other fields.

What is something on your bucket list?

I want to visit the United Kingdom with my husband, and maybe our kids. I’m not a big fan of flying so getting there will take some resolve (and probably some Dramamine).    
