MnCCC Spotlight: Al Paulson

What was your first job?
I grew up on a Dairy Farm which my wife and I now own so my first job was feeding calves. However, my first job with a real paycheck was working at the MN State Fair, as a cook’s assistant. Long hours but with friendships that still last.
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I was born in Bagley MN and grew up on a farm north of Itasca State Park, graduated from Bagley High School and attended the University of Minnesota. I was offered the job of Assistant Assessor in Clearwater Count in 1976. In 1980, I applied for and was accepted as a foreign exchange student to Australia with the University of Minnesota. Clearwater County gave me a one year leave. Upon my return I worked as an Assessor in Clearwater County and then the City of Bemidji. In 1990, I left County Government employment and work with Agricultural Business across Minnesota. When I was 23 years old I had run for the Clearwater County Recorder position and lost by 3% of the votes. When the County Recorder announced retirement midterm in 2001, I was contacted by the County to apply for the Recorder position. I served for seven years and then was encouraged to file for County Auditor and was elected. Two terms later they combined the Auditor and Treasurer’s Office, which is the position I know have. My wife Julie and I own and live on the farm I grew up on and where we raised cattle and forage. Our son Levi and his wife Kelsey live in Cottage Grove and he works for CHS. Our Son Erik lives in Minneapolis and works as an Accountant. Everyone loves hunting and fishing in Northern Minnesota.
What interests you about MnCCC?
County Government needs to work together to prove additionalways of providing cost effective measures for the Taxpayers. MnCCC has a rich history of working together for the common good of all taxpayers and providing the collective voice of teamwork to solve problems and concerns.
What is your role on the MnCCC Board?
Region I Representative from Clearwater county.
What is something on your bucket list you'd like to do?
I would like for my wife and me to spend a year back in Australia retracing my previous adventure (most of them) using the journal I kept as an exchange student.