MnCCC Messenger, 2021
Year-End Updates from MnCCC
2022 Training Scheduled (So Far)
1099 Training - January 5, 2022
Join TriMin and MnCCC for an hour of a 1099 refresher course and an IFS Golden Wiki Site update! This session is free of charge.
Accelebrate Training - January and February, 2022
Back by popular demand, Accelebrate will be hosting 3-hour sessions for Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and Teams! Additionally, we have scheduled another round of beginner, intermediate, and advanced Power BI Training. Specific dates and times are located on RSVP. ISSG member counties receive 1 free registrant and all others can attend at 1/2 price. Non-ISSG members will pay 100% plus a $25 admin fee.
Reading Legal Descriptions with Pro-West - March 1-2, 2022
Choose from a beginner or intermediate training session to suit your level of experience, or take both! Training will be delivered over the course of 3 hours via GoToWebinar. Recordings will be provided to training participants.
- 20 person minimum: 1 course $110/person; 2 courses $180/person
- 10 person minimum: 1 course $165/person; 2 courses $235/person
Remember: If there are any training topics you'd like to see that haven't been scheduled yet, just reach out to us! We will be happy to provide any opportunity we can!
MnCCC's Annual Conference
Attendee Information
Our annual conference will take place in person at Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria June 6-9, 2022. User Group, Membership, and Board meetings will have a hybrid option. This year's theme is The Great Minnesota Get Back Together! Attendee registration will go live in the spring, so watch our social media and RSVP website for information!
Session Proposals
Now is the time to begin brainstorming ideas for topics you'd like to see or present! We are currently accepting session proposals that will benefit our user group members both professionally and personally! Our conferences work best when there is a variety of relevant topics that members can take with them when they leave!
Vendor Registration
We invite you to connect with our membership by becoming a sponsor! Our sponsorship levels provide vendors with an opportunity to network, offer training, and collaborate on services. We will rely on both the in-person exhibit hall and our conference app to keep sponsors and attendees connected. Vendor registration will go live in mid-December. In order to embrace our State Fair theme, we are asking that you put some time into determining how you'd like to decorate your booth. Attendees will have the opportunity to vote for the best-dressed booth, so get ready to show what you've got. For more information on session proposals and/or vendor registration, please contact Amanda Beyer (!
Other Updates from MnCCC
MnCCC Board Retreat
The MnCCC Board held a retreat at Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria in October. We used this time to review and revise current agreements, share user group updates, develop a strategic plan, and focus on team building. These few days allowed for our Board to connect in new ways and brainstorm ideas to bring the best service to MnCCC Members!
MnCCC Spotlights
Each month we have the privilege of featuring a user group or an MnCCC member in our MnCCC Spotlight. These posts can be found under the MnCCC Connects page on our website and we highly encourage you to read up on all the great things going on in our organization. If you know of someone who deserves a special feature, please contact Amanda Beyer ( for a chance to be an upcoming spotlight!
COVID-19 Update
MnCCC continues to monitor the current situation with the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidelines. Our priories lie in keeping our employees, members, vendors, and partners healthy and safe. MnCCC staff will remain working in a hybrid model, along with hosting meetings in a format at the discretion of each user group and committee. We remain available via phone and email during our regular business hours!
Want to share this newsletter? Click here for the PDF version!
Have a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season. Thanks for another great year!
Photo by Ramirez Cooper from Pexels
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