MCAPS Contract Ratification Information

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The new MCAPS contract and ratifications will be released very soon. Board ratifications let us know you're committing to continuing with our contracted vendor for MCAPS, Strategic Technologies Inc.

Ratifications are due back to MnCCC 60 days from the release of the contract and ratification forms.

Please keep an eye on your emails from RSVP to ensure you receive the new contract and Board ratification and promptly return a signed copy if you intend to continue with MCAPS Maintenance and Support.

The new contract allows participating end users to receive support and other services at a fixed rate. The BETA testing fee remains the same. A new Licensing Fee is an option as well!



More Counties Are Joining Us!

Since the rollout of the new web edition earlier this year, we have had 3 counties go live on the new Web Edition, and 2 more in the process of implementation! We are excited to continue offering training to new and prospective users. Our Training Committee meets monthly to discuss training needs for the web edition of MCAPS. They also decide the topics for the monthly Brown Bag Lunch webinars, which are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at noon on Zoom. Join us to view new tools and features and get your questions answered!

New Website Available!

We have worked hard to create a one-stop-shop for MCAPS information that new and prospective users can access. We are proud to announce that the site is live and ready to be used! Check it out today, and feel free to contact MnCCC if you have ideas for additions or changes to the site!

MCAPS Training Videos are Ready!

All MCAPS Admin and Tools training videos have been posted to the STI website and are ready to be viewed by users. Our Training and Development Committees are working to make sure more resources are available to MCAPS users. Whether you'd like a live demo, an extra training video, or a one-on-one Q&A session, we are happy to help! Contact us for more information.


