User Group Spotlight: Human Services User Group

Human Services User Group Spotlight

About the User Group 

While the Human Services User Group (HSUG) is one of the newest MnCCC User Groups, it is built on a foundation of experiences from both MnCCC and other user groups coupled with a network of dedicated human services agencies. Human Service agencies have long worked together with DHS to advance state system functionality and improve local data access. What has been lacking is an organizational structure that legally supports co-contracting and co-funding projects. This is where MnCCC is invaluable. With experience from the CHS User Group, ISSG, and support from MnCCC the HSUG was formed to fill this gap. 

Our focus has been on improving data access, investigating the potential development of a Relationship Management (RM) RFP, and coordinating member ideas and concerns. We meet monthly with a RM subcommittee that meets separately to explore the potential interest and scope of an RFP.

Upcoming Projects 

Our RM workgroup is designing a potential RFP that will allow local agencies to interact across multiple human services silo data systems to better understand participants from a holistic person-centered approach, understand and interact with workers from other programs who may have the same person in their caseload and better coordinate services.

Additionally, Dakota County is investigating a potential RFP for their recently rewritten SMARTS system. This tool supports Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) by creating rapid access to find contracted vendors to support client’s needs along with electronically developing and updating rate sheets within available client budgets. Here is a link to a demo describing the system.

The HSUG has also coordinated demonstrations with several vendors and is supporting local agency information through targeted surveys. Most of these demos have been recorded and are available on our Teams site through MCCC.

If you are interested in any of these projects, please reach out to the HSUG for more information.

Anything else worth mentioning?

We are excited for the opportunities the new HSUG can afford to make progress on local agency goals and better support our customer and worker needs. If you haven’t been a part of this group in the past and are interested we would be happy to have you join us. Feel free to sign up for meetings through the MnCCC RSVP or reach out to any of us with questions.

Learn more:

Interested in Joining?

Please contact to join the user group!
