How is MnCCC Staying Connected?
When we were looking ahead at 2020, we were excited about the holidays that fall on long weekends, our exciting conference theme, and having many workshops and networking opportunities. By March, we realized there was a lot more in store than we had expected. Because of the onset of the pandemic in the US, things changed very drastically very quickly. The way we previously operated at MnCCC quickly became obsolete for the foreseeable future, but we are fortunate to have staff, members, and partners who are flexible and full of encouragement.
So how has MnCCC adjusted and continued to make networking possible during this time?
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning, previously, is a professional development tool available for LinkedIn users. If you’re familiar with LinkedIn Learning, you know how easy and important it is to continue learning. If you have never used LinkedIn Learning, MnCCC is happy to offer you a license. By continuing to offer the licenses, we’ve been able to encourage professional and personal development even when in-person trainings are not possible.
Want to learn more? Check out some of these resources!
- How to Use LinkedIn Learning: Tips and Tricks for New and Existing Users
- Online Training from LinkedIn Learning
We have been working hard to keep up with our social media platforms and offer fun ways to connect! Every few weeks, we’ve offered exciting giveaways, random polls/trivia, and other opportunities to stay connected while staying apart.
Find us on social media!
We’ve also been able to connect with our members on virtual platforms for regularly scheduled meetings. By using POPP Telecom, GoToMeeting, Zoom, Teams, and BlueJeans, we’ve been able to meet face-to-face and feel more in touch.
If you or your organization would like to utilize our virtual meeting platforms or learn more about how to host some great meetings, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
Promoting Safety
With all the emerging information from health experts and the CDC, safety regulations are changing rapidly, and we all need to do our part to protect ourselves and each other. MnCCC has worked hard to be sure we are doing the best we can to promote safety. While working remotely and practicing physical distancing has been an asset, we have also created an office cleaning/disinfecting schedule, began wearing masks when in contact with others, and regularly have virtual staff meetings, rather than in-person.
While we can’t wait to be back in person and host meetings and events, we are glad we can stay connected with our members and partners while making smart decisions. We hope that you, your loved ones, and your colleagues are safe and healthy, and we can’t wait to see you again soon.