It's the Start of a New Season!

MnCCC doesn't want you to {FALL} behind! We've got some great resources to help you navigate through your user group this season.
Glossary of Terms
Perhaps you're new to your user group or need a refresher of terms or acronyms being used in meetings? Visit the Glossary of Terms for a growing list of terms and acronyms being addressed in meetings. Don't see a term you're looking for? Feel free to suggest a new term so MnCCC can add it the glossary.
Interactive Map
Visit and scroll down to find the interactive map. The interactive map will show you which county is a member of which user group(s), its voting status, and sub-members.
Taking Minutes
Are you a recording officer for your user group? MnCCC has tips on what to do before, during, and after the meeting! Visit the Resource Center and scroll down to "Taking Minutes" for some helpful tips and tricks.
Stay up-to-date on the latest meetings, trainings, and events! Sign up and select the user groups that most interest you to receive meeting notices and emails reminders. On RSVP you can view the MnCCC meeting calendar, manage and update your meeting status, and recieve email reminders with important meeting documents and webinar/conference call information. Sign up today by visiting
Social Media
Don't forget to follow us on social media! MnCCC shares what you need to know, including the latest tips and tricks, future trainings, and even giveaways! We're on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.