MnCCC's Executive Director Lisa Meredith Wins Golden GOVIT Individual Leader Award

2022 Golden GOVIT Individual Leader Award Recipient

Congratulations, Lisa!

Last week, Lisa won the Golden GOVIT Individual Leader Award at the Government IT Symposium presented by Fusion Learning Partners in St. Paul, MN. The award honors an individual who champions and implements innovation, inspires collaboration, is focused on improving service, and demonstrates a personal commitment to advancing the professional and career development of themself as well as others in their agency. With over 20 years of experience in government, Lisa has demonstrated a strong commitment to bringing local government agencies together to work collaboratively in finding innovative, cost-effective software and technology solutions. 

Lisa's Nomination for the Golden GOVIT Individual Leader Award

Lisa Meredith has been the Executive Director of Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MnCCC) for over 20 years. MnCCC is a joint powers organization, working with counties and other local government entities to provide software solutions. Lisa has the leadership ability that makes the people around her thrive. She has a special skill of being able to understand the strengths of individuals and assist them in using those strengths for the betterment of the whole organization or project.

Lisa works tirelessly and through her actions, she has propelled MnCCC to new heights. She is the driving force in finding innovative, cost-effective software and technology solutions. Her efforts have transformed the landscape of public services. For example, recently Lisa was instrumental in two new software contracts that saved counties across Minnesota tens of thousands of dollars. In one project it was her initiative to get election software contracts in place for election equipment. In another project, she assembled a group dedicated to Human Resources. With Lisa’s leadership, this group went out for a bid for payroll software, which is already saving counties on significant fees. Eventually, that solution is offered to a wider local government audience.

Under Lisa’s leadership, MnCCC has grown to 15 user groups and continues to grow and meet county and other local government needs. Lisa balances an incredible workload. Along with hundreds of meetings with all levels of county leadership, she still makes the workplace a fun environment that encourages staff to achieve a very high level of work output. Lisa has a strong commitment to bringing people and agencies together to work collaboratively. She truly believes and has proven a lot more can be done together rather than apart. Her work doesn’t stop there. Lisa’s motto is “to embrace the audacious acts that incite positive change” and it is evident in her work using ToP Facilitation to help other organizations solve problems. As a true champion of innovation and collaboration to improve service, Lisa Meredith is so deserving of the Golden GOVIT Award.

Congratulations, Lisa!
