2022 Elections Overview

2022 Elections Overview for New & Existing Officers with graphic of hands raised

2022 Elections Overview

MnCCC Connects is sharing an updated overview of the elections process for new and existing officers to utilize. When elections happen at our 2022 Annual Conference and other all-user meetings, we want to make sure you're prepared with the right processes to make elections go over smoothly.

All MnCCC User Groups hold annual elections for all positions at the annual June business meetings. Be sure your group is prepared! In addition to the Rules and Regulations adopted by your User Group, we've got a few extra tips to help you in your role as User Group Chair!

Elections Tips & Tricks

  1. Identify which position(s) is/are up for election
  2. Share open position(s) and associated responsibilities with the group
  3. Consider forming a nomination committee to identify qualified nominees
  4. Make sure your meeting will have a quorum! For more information on how many voting members constitute a quorum, check your group's rules and regulations
  5. Explain member voting rights and what needs User Group approval

Other User Group Topics for Approval

In addition to elections at the annual business meeting, your User Group will also finalize and approve your budget for the next year. A copy of the Summary of Dues and Fees is available from MnCCC, which provides the fees to be voted on by each group.

The next year's Summary of Dues and Fees is distributed by MnCCC via RSVP in early July each year. Typical User Group fees may include, but are not limited to, Enhancement Fund, contracted maintenance & support, beta testing, and shared special project fees.

Elections Script

Not sure how to proceed? The following is a script derived from Roberts Rules of Order in Action: How to Participate in Meetings with Confidence that you can use to make the election session the most effective!

Scenario 1: Nominations from the Floor

Chair: "Nominations are now open for the office of XX. Are there any nominations from the floor?"
Member 1: "I nominate Judy Smith."
Member 2: "I nominate John Appleseed."
Chair: "Are there any other nominees?" 
No other nominations are brought from the floor
Chair: "Hearing none, the nominations for the office of XX are now closed. Judy Smith and John Appleseed have been nominated."
Proceed with paper ballot

If only one member has been nominated, the chair can waive the need for a ballot and declare the nominee a winner. Or, in some cases, the chair may receive a nomination from the floor (i.e. "I move nominations cease and we cast a unanimous ballot for [name]"). This motion requires a second and a vote to declare the nominee as the winner. Repeat the process until all open positions have been filled.

Scenario 2: Nominations from the Committee

If the nominating committee is presenting a slate of officers, rather than electing individual positions, the following script can be used.

Nominating committee representatives presents the slate of officers
Chair: "May I receive a motion to approve the slate of officers as presented?"
Any voting member can make the motion, though it is often one of the nominating committee members
Member 1: "So moved." -OR- "I move approval of the slate of officers as presented."
Any voting member can second the motion, though it is often one of the nominating committee members
Member 2: "So moved." -OR- "I second approval of the slate of officers as presented."
Chair: "We will now vote on the motion. All those in favor indicate by saying 'aye', all those opposed indicate by saying 'nay'."
After sufficient votes are received
Chair: "Motion passed. The presented slate of officers has been approved."

It is possible to not get a motion or a second to approve the slate of officers and then the positions may be split out and voted in a partial group with an election (as provided above) for one or more of the positions. Repeat the process until all positions have been filled.

For a PDF version of this blog post, please download it here. You may use this in your User Group elections and share it with your colleagues to help meetings run smoothly. Congratulations on your new roles!

Don't forget that MnCCC can be a great resource if you need assistance with elections. Please contact our office if you require assistance or would like a one-on-one conversation on how to run through elections and/or other user group approval processes.
